Saturday, August 14, 2010


The Guru's love is beautiful, it really is... its like a quicksand, where I stepped in, just a little while ago, and it is totally drawing me in...
Its so true that  when you take one step towards the Guru, He takes thousands of steps towards you:

"Charan saran Gur ek painda jaaeh chal, Satgur kot paindaa aageh hoeh layt hai
If you take one step towards the Guru, The Guru will take millions of steps to welcome you."

It really is true, now I know for a really is
I did not even realize while I was on my way, I did not realize when I was totally sold out to everything I do and I am now... something yesterday, suddenly reminded me of the day I set out on this path, I was really only ready to buy the idea of Loving the divine, and that was it..and I don't know when I started keeping the Rehit, as much as I could, in that moment...
If you've been reading my blog, you might remember me talking about my rant against keeping Kesh, and how I hate to have them in my armpits and what not, ... Oh well, I don't see a problem with hair anymore, I've started to like it, I've started to love myself just the way God has made me... a few nights ago, I was getting ready for a party, and I was in my dressing room, applying make-up, and all of a sudden, I (loudly) started reminding myself that God Made me the best of what I can be and that all my make-up and stuff, is only going to make me look a little bit worse the best, that Guru ji and God have made me ....  I can't believe my Ardaas has been answered, and I am at the least ready to buy the basic concepts of the Sikh lifestyle...
well, I went for the Friday Morning Amrit vela event, I guess third/ fourth time in a row... beautiful, just awesome, after I was home, I played Anadho Anadh Ghanaa again, I suspect I play it and sing it every-time I'm really happy and satisfied...
   I feel like I should make an effort to regularly do my own amrit vela meditations, like I once did; I can... I really could at least try harder...

Guru ji Loves me so much that I can never thank Him enough...
sometimes, I wonder to myself, what would I be if I weren't ever exposed to Sikhi-Sikhi, Like the real Sikhi, that I never knew existed... I'd probably be nothing, just an ordinary drugged up silly kid, rolling on other people'd wishes, dreams and whatever not, with nothing to call my own, not even my own word, deed and thought....
I'm so grateful to the Universe for the blessings it has showered upon me, and to Guru jee, for making me His Daughter!

I am full of Him, His love, His blessings and everything I have ever owned as mine, belongs to Him... I am His, This body, this soul, this computer, this bed, this room, everything really is His...
guru ji is pure Love, the love I was born out of, the love I live for, and in, the Love I breath in....

Love and Light =)
Sat Nam!

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