Saturday, August 10, 2024

Looking ahead

 So I'm about to start the final exam season push and then come the 6th year (Internship) of med school 

This year, as a 35 year old, I am gonna be the doctor of my dreams, and on a personal note I do wanna start thinking about growing my family and reflecting on that, I feel that there is a re-branding &  re-orienting (or say entring my shining era) long overdue. 

I have been thinking that in 6th year I wanna take it to the next level and become the professional and the person I have been dying to be. This to me is living with integrity, at every moment in my life. My definition of integrity is doing the right thing even when no one is looking.  

For every single one of us there are some basic goals or things that we need to work on to feel like we're being congruent with our values and goals, for me those are at the momemnt are:

1) Simran & Nitnem routine + studying gurbani (de facto, rather than de jure), what really does happen rather than what should happen. 

2) Working out & Eating healthily (by default) like it's as vital as brushing teeth/ washing hands after using the toilet. It is vital to 

3) Having an impeccable work ethic, proactive and with the end goal in mind. For me the end goal is always healing, empowering and supporting the patient- it is life affirming, for both the patient, myself and my colleagues.  

4) Actively working on and being so committed to self love, inner equinaminity & tranquility, that being genuine and kind in my relationships with myself & others comes naturally to me, responding with benovelence rather than being vitriolic & reactive. Being gentle with myself and putting myself first, while seeing that what others do reflects what they feel, healing their pain with my words and presence, rather than coming from a place that may also inflict further add insult to injury, because the ego substantiates itself in that. 

All 4 of these, are important as I want to not only do them for myself, but also inculcate them into my childrens psyche as non negotiable aspects of life. And therin comes the urgency to become a role model in these aspects.  

I have a vision of the kind of mother I want to become and I know from years ago, when I was blessed with Amrit and from when I decided I must become a doctor, that I am able to look ahead and relentlessly & effortfuly build the train tracks years before the train comes to town; I'm able to work out the How with Akaal Purakhs blessing, once I commit to the what. And so it shall be!

Nanak Naam Chardikalla Tere Bhaney Sarbat da bhalla. 

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