Tuesday, July 30, 2024

Gurbani educator- I shall be

One of my hearts longings is to become a Gurbani educator. And so I am challenging msyelf to post Gurbani concept of the day for at least 365 posts one for each day of the year. During Covid, I did that in my instagram stories, it gathered some traction and people liked my work, but I think I did it too informally and didn't create good recordings/ archives of them, so I wanna start this thing again and do it well this time... I want to write it out and speak it out make it good. I may also record them and create content around gurbani education because that's how I will meet my goal of becoming a gurbani educator- and theres very few women in this field so I wanna step up, fill the void- that exists within my heart and the community. My personal hope is that it will help me get closer to Guru Sahib and actually become the thing that transforms my own sikhi before it transforms others'- but hey, I certainly want this work to have an impact. These Gurbani concepts will be all based in gurbani, might speak of things grinding my gears, or gurbani pangtees that are rocking my world or evoking certain feelings or helping me cope with life as we know it. It may be like sehaj paath or nitnem diaries or journalling feelings aroused by gurbani. It may entail pearls of wisdom that gurbani shares with us, or a commentary of the state of the world/ culture/ issues, based in gurbani. There may be stories or quotes or ideas that come from other palces, but will always be for understaning gurbani better or having gurbani help us reconcile with what we see. It may be santhyaa ideas and why they matter. It will be many things, but many things gurbani. That is my intention. So here we go- I shall speak what I seek until I see what I saught.  
And so it shall be, in the name of Nanak Guru Gobind Singh Ji Pooran Guru Avtaar. Nanak Naam Chardikalla Tere Bhaney Sarbat da Bhalla. 

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